Practical OOD techniques for rails

Embracing Object-Oriented Design in Agile Rails Development

Rails developers often juggle between rapid development cycles and maintaining clean, manageable code.

Let’s check some effective object-oriented design (OOD) strategies in the context of agile Ruby on Rails projects and why it’s crucial for sustainable development.

Understanding the Need for OOD in Agile

Agile methodologies discourage big up front design (BUFD) due to its inefficiency and inaccuracies in long-term planning.

Instead, agile promotes iterative development that adapts to user feedback and changing requirements.

However, this approach doesn’t eliminate the need for design; it actually emphasizes the necessity for excellent ongoing design to manage these changes effectively.

Here’s why OOD is indispensable in Rails:

  1. Flexibility: Agile demands that the design should accommodate changes without extensive reworks. OOD principles help in creating flexible codebases where modifications are localized and do not require broad swathes of changes.

  2. Refactoring: Continuous refactoring is a hallmark of agile Rails projects. Good design practices make refactoring a routine rather than a Herculean effort, thereby keeping the codebase clean and adaptable.

  3. Code Quality: Well-designed object-oriented code enhances readability and maintainability, critical for teams especially when scaling or transitioning between developers.

Practical OOD Techniques for Rails

Let’s review some practical OOD techniques that can be applied effectively in Rails applications.

Use Polymorphism Wisely

Polymorphism can simplify many scenarios in Rails that might otherwise require complex conditional logic. It makes the application easy to extend and modify.

# app/models/notification.rb
class Notification < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :notifiable, polymorphic: true

Comment: Using polymorphism to relate notifications to any model and retrive it to display the text in the notification.

NOTE: polymorphic sounds like a silver bullet. But it represent a performance investment in the future. Use Polymorphism Wisely

Encapsulate Behavior in Modules

Sharing code through modules rather than inheritance keeps classes clean and focused on their primary responsibilities.

# app/models/tracker.rb
class Tracker < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :trackable, polymorphic: true

# app/models/concerns/trackable.rb
module Trackable
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  class_methods do
    def has_trackable(name: nil)
      name ||= class_name.parameterize(separator: '_')
      has_many :"#{name}_events", as: :trackable

      generated_association_methods.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
        # frozen_string_literal: true
        def record_#{name}_event(action)
          public_send(:"#{name}_events").create(action: action)

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  include Trackable

  has_trackable :user

Comment: Module Trackable encapsulates event tracking logic for reuse in various models like User.

Prefer Composition Over Inheritance

Composition over inheritance is a well-advised OOD principle, especially in Rails where models can easily become bloated.

# app/services/user_registration.rb
class UserRegistration
  def initialize(user)
    @user = user

  def register
    # More registration logic


  def send_welcome_email

Comment: UserRegistration handles the registration process, keeping the User model lean and focused.

@NOTE: Not to be used in small teams. This approach adds more files to traverse to understand the logic, reducing the developer experience in teams that need to be faster rather than cleaner.


Effective OOD in Rails not only supports the agile mandate of adaptability but also ensures that the codebase remains clean, understandable, and maintainable.

The main issue I see among rails developers is that they never read gems. All the best practices are in the rails code base!

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